Do you believe people when they tell you they’ve seen a UFO?

Raleigh Lawrence
2 min readAug 17, 2020

I remember what I was wearing the night I saw it. I was driving home from my friends house around 10pm. I had on a new jean jacket that I was just so excited about. I should have been too, after spending my entire paycheck on the thing. I always made it a point to take the back roads home from my friend Kerry’s house. It was a beautiful ride to and from her home in the hills of east Texas. Long winding roads, crisp country air and the stars always seemed to shine a little brighter there.

Giddy from the latest gossip and awake from the copious amount of sugar we had consumed I was smiling to myself driving home, enjoying the ride. I was 17 and life was good. I remember the moment so vividly, I was singing along to the radio blasting Shania Twain when out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention. A glowing orb of light speeding ahead of me, seemingly suspended in the universe. I had to double take but couldn’t stare for fear of driving off the road. I pulled my car over so I could really stop and focus on this thing. It was brighter then anything I had ever seen in the night sky before. It wasn’t moving or blinking like an airplane and it was much faster and larger than a satellite. I was convinced, and still am today, that what I had witnessed that night was A UFO. Over a decade later I came across this graphic showing cities with the highest frequency of UFO sightings.

You can imagine my shock to come across the name of that tiny town from my childhood, #21 on the list Katy, Texas. As a grown adult who now resides on the east coast I haven’t experienced another sighting like it. But I will never forget what I saw that night on those back roads and I’m sure no one else on this map with a similar story will forget either.

